
Round 2 - Civic Innovation Platform

Winning ideas, round 2

Twelve ideas were recognised in the second round of the idea contest "AI is what we make it" of the Civic Innovation Platform. Here is an overview of the winning ideas, categorized into the clusters ‘Participating with AI’, ‘Further training with AI’, ‘Working with AI’ and ‘Thinking ahead with AI’. Prepare to be inspired!

Participating with AI

A diverse society calls for accessible and inclusive opportunities that grant access to the labour market and participation in social life to everyone. The project teams’ ideas in the cluster Participating with AI focus on accessibility, language, opportunities for exchange and learning assistance, thereby strengthening participation and inclusion of people with disabilities.

  • The children’s hospice organisation Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. aims to develop an accessible app in cooperation with a participation expert and an IT expert. With the app, families with a terminally ill child, children’s hospices and interested individuals can receive important and up-to-date information and opportunities for exchange in a simple and intuitive way.

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  • The aim of this idea is to develop a digital application that offers tailored recommendations for accessible travel experiences in North Rhine-Westphalia. The information provided by the app can not only be accessed, but is brought to the relevant people’s attention by tailoring data to the respective users by taking into account the users’ individual needs and preferences. The app is also aimed at other groups, such as families with pushchairs and people with heavy luggage. Involved in the idea are the organisation Tourismus NRW e.V., the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST) and the company Eifel Tourismus (ET) GmbH.

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  • Raising people’s awareness of inclusion on a daily basis is the premise of the idea of Decentrale GbR and BIRNE7 e.V. An AI learning assistant is integrated into digital platforms to select and recommend tailored learning content. The system automatically offers learning content in response to what a person has just seen or read, in order to, for example, raise awareness if certain content is not easily accessible.

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Further training with AI

The ideas in this cluster use AI to optimise further education, training and teaching methods.  AI Is used, for example, to afford peoples access to education, convey learning content in a fun and entertaining way or help people acquire key qualifications.

  • With their idea, e.V. and the ReDI School of Digital Integration gGmbH & -Mun- gUG want to make tailored, online and location-independent training measures possible with the help of a peer-to-peer learning program, in order to assist as many learners as possible in obtaining high-level qualifications. The platform’s aim is to put people in touch with ideal training partners, thereby helping them to enter the IT labour market irrespective of the funds at their disposal for additional training. This would make an important contribution to securing the supply of skilled labour.

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  • The app idea of the start-up DayOff GbR and the Key Skills Centre (ZfS) at Kiel University is for students of all disciplines to receive support in developing future skills. Because along with subject-specific expertise, it is primarily skills such as self-management, collaborative and agile working, and problem solving which are crucial in an ever-changing working world. With the help of machine learning, students are presented with personalized, daily learning challenges based on both their personality and existing skills.

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  • AI on the Fly is the project idea of ADICOM Software KG, the friends’ association Förderverein Spiel- und Freizeitplätze der Generationen in Erfurt e.V., the Berlin Prevention Centre of the employers’ liability insurance association Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie (BG RCI) and a partner of the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF). In the ‘flying classroom’, a decommissioned aeroplane, people are introduced to the possibilities of AI early on. The digital games and virtual training worlds focus on learning and training content in areas ranging from climate protection over accident prevention all the way to explainable AI (XAI). An adaptive AI caters to the players’ needs and facilitates play and learning success.

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Working with AI

From support and relief to health protection in day-to-day work – these project ideas seek to make people’s work processes easier, safer and more efficient. AI applications are used to optimise workflows that may cause stress, are physically demanding, or require elaborate structuring.

  • KI-Assist 112 developed by Nuremberg Tech and Tawny GmbH is designed to help those working in fire and rescue service control rooms to trigger emergency processes as quickly and smoothly as possible. The possibilities of AI-assisted stress identification are used to monitor the employees’ extraordinary stress situations and help to reduce them. The objective is to answer emergency calls more efficiently, effectively and quickly while also focusing on the health of the employees.

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  • With their idea, the start-up ConBotics and the TU Berlin want to transfer innovative technologies to the construction industry. Thanks to an AI module, mobile robots at the construction site would autonomously navigate their way around to guarantee safer human-robot cooperation and effectively support skilled workers, in particular alleviating some of the physically strenuous and monotonous activities. In addition, the data obtained is used to optimise processes in the construction industry and effectively counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

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  • The idea of the association Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. and the company binary butterfly GmbH would benefit administrations throughout Germany as they digitalise their filing systems. With the aid of text recognition and natural language processing, a structured process approach for the simple classification of documents will be introduced, thereby accelerating processes, and taking the strain off the administration employees.

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Thinking ahead with AI

AI is often depicted as being too abstract and difficult to grasp, but the project ideas in the cluster Thinking ahead with AI show that they don't need to. How can AI processes be made easy to understand? How can we showcase the artistic and social potential of AI?  With their innovative ideas, the teams in this cluster hope to answer those and more questions, making AI applications more transparent and promote creative, human interaction with the technology along the way.

  • Making AI applications comprehensible is important, in particular when used for decision-making. This is where the AI application planned by Erfurt University of Applied Sciences and ADICOM Software KG comes in. Until now, AI applications have only been able to form hypotheses, but not explain them. With the aid of speech synthesis, the project team wants to make it possible for the hypothetical data relationships of AI to be explained comprehensibly and transparently.

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  • The approach of this special orchestra is to make AI easily accessible and intuitive in its use. Not only would the music be generated by AI algorithms based on the basis of user input – it would also be played on actual instruments by mini robots. This idea was developed by Infinite Devices GmbH in collaboration with Aalen University. The orchestra performs live using real instruments and the performance is streamed online for the purposes of further interaction. The orchestra therefore constitutes a generative, collaborative work of art consisting of co-creative listeners and artificial intelligence.

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  • Traditional coaching services involve a lot of staffing and costs and are often not very innovative. With their project idea, MfW Studio ix gUG and the association Museum für Werte e.V. want to use AI to make personal development services available to society as a whole, thereby democratising it. The EBENBILD project idea takes an innovative approach to personal development and debates about the future role of the technology in personal development.

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Join our community!

Do you have an idea for an AI application that could benefit the common good and which you would like to enter into the next round of the idea contest? If so, become a part of the community and engage with like-minded people.