
Pandemic Robot Orchestra - Civic Innovation Platform

Pandemic Robot Orchestra

The approach of this special orchestra is to make AI easily accessible and intuitive in its use. Not only would the music be generated by AI algorithms based on the basis of user input – it would also be played on actual instruments by mini robots. This idea was developed by Infinite Devices GmbH in collaboration with Aalen University. The orchestra performs live using real instruments and the performance is streamed online for the purposes of further interaction. The orchestra therefore constitutes a generative, collaborative work of art consisting of co-creative listeners and artificial intelligence.

Why are you a strong team?

Because we have found a common language between a wide range of disciplines. You would normally expect to find significant communicative discrepancies between creative artists, musicians, programmers, AI experts and robotics specialists. With the Pandemic Robot Orchestra, however, we have created a common realm of expression and thus also a common language that enables everyone to bridge major geographical barriers.

Explain your idea in three sentences.

A robotics project that uses AI to organically and spontaneously convert the emotional inputs of spectators and listeners into music. An AI project that demonstrates how AI can be used as a creative tool for a completely new genre of artistic interpretation. AI not only gives us new forms of expression, but also empowers those who had previously dismissed themselves as uncreative.

What makes your idea special?

The connection of the Internet with things like AI, robotics and music.

What are the next steps?

The various components now need to be connected with the IoT platform. There is still a lot to be done with the robot musicians, too. The graphics processors will also be busy training the AI algorithms.