
Unkafka ‒ simple and comprehensible letters from the authorities - Civic Innovation Platform

Unkafka ‒ simple and comprehensible letters from the authorities

The language used by government authorities represents a challenge for a lot of people. The idea behind 'Unkafka' is to identify complex phrases in official letters and suggest explanatory alternatives. Nuremberg Tech and Germany’s Federal Employment Agency (BA) intend to offer caseworkers and lawyers assistance with generating assessments and regulations in the form of an AI-based assistant.

Why are you a strong team?

Our team combines the strengths of applied science with broad and practically relevant experience in government office environments. Thanks to our positive connections with federal, state and municipal authorities, we can use them to test feasibility as well as the practical implementation.

Explain your idea in three sentences.

Our idea aims to make the communication between governments and their citizens more understandable, simple and pleasant in both directions. ‘Unkafka’ is an AI-based assistant that automatically recognises complicated wording in government letters, marks it out visually and generates suggestions for simplification. Consequently, bureaucratic obstacles and difficulties understanding can be reduced.

What makes your idea special?

Our idea is special because it makes perfect use of the leverage offered by AI products. The ‘Unkafka’ digital assistant becomes better each time it is used because it is constantly trained by recognised experts during use, enhancing it automatically.

What are the next steps?

Firstly, the team is networking with more authorities and potential target markets to examine individual needs and interests in the area of use described above. Secondly, we are working on a prototype in order to give the best illustration possible of the practical usage within the concept that is to be created.

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