
Round 3 - Civic Innovation Platform

Winning ideas, round 3

In the third round, 27 ideas were awarded. Here, you will find an overview of all the winning ideas in the categories ‘Work & Life’, ‘Participation & Inclusion’, ‘Teaching & Knowledge’ and ‘Administration & Organisation.’ Prepare to be inspired!

Work & Life

This cluster’s ideas aim to develop AI-based solutions for different phases of work and life, harness the potential of interpersonal living and working, and create synergies for work–life balance – from support and relief to health protection.

  • Housing is becoming scarcer and rents are rising. An AI-based matching platform is being used to offer existing work and living space for shared use and to advertise it to those seeking such space. The Digital Culture Team, WFG Schwäbisch Hall and Landratsamt Lüneburg aim to use their placement platform to promote mobile working and social cohesion.

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  • In Germany, four out of five people in need of care are cared for at home – often with the support of family carers. The aim of the idea is to implement an app-based system for evaluating the activity of cared-for relatives in their home environment. The team, consisting of experts from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts, PVM GmbH, MoRe Bielefeld GmbH und Co.KG and KogniHome e.V., is seeking to enable self-determined living in the home.

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  • The aim is to revolutionise medical diagnostics with the help of a speech-based AI-assisted application. Using speech patterns and voice characteristics, depression and suicidal behaviour can be detected, thus making it easier to identify people at risk. This not only facilitates access to treatment options, but also enables the early identification of potentially vulnerable individuals in order to provide them with appropriate support. The project team includes the Institute for Telematics at the University of Lübeck and the Institute for Education and Social Innovation in Bonn, as well as Hanse Innovation Campus GmbH in Lübeck.

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  • If SEN teaching assistants fall ill, a qualified substitute must often be available for the first lesson in order for the pupils in need of support to engage with learning. A system for cross-organisational staff cover management from fabbrain Software GmbH, incluedo GmbH and Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts that uses AI-based algorithms to assign cover in real time is intended to greatly simplify cover management from an organisational perspective.

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  • Nurseries require support at short notice if, for example, employees are absent due to illness. At the same time, many people are looking for flexible, part-time work opportunities. A platform that brings the two groups together and ‘matches’ them using AI is intended to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the field of childcare. The team behind the project idea consists of the software company MACH AG and the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems at the University of Lübeck.

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  • The Dementia VoiceBot from Thiem-Research GmbH, a non-profit research institute of the Carl Thiem-Klinikum, and the IT company Ubitec GmbH is designed to ease the burden on nursing staff and relatives of dementia patients or elderly people who are single and have a positive influence on the course of the disease. The telephone chatbot is intended to provide an AI-based conversation by making independent calls, whereby the person’s communication is regularly practised and trained. The aim is to develop a self-learning system using artificial neural networks.

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  • The project team aims to develop AI-based analysis devices to investigate mould spores, pollen, soot and other potentially harmful particles. At the heart of the idea, jointly developed by GmbH and Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, is the vision that everyone can carry out quantitative air analyses themselves quickly, easily and cost-effectively. The use of the equipment is intended to significantly improve health and safety at work.

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Participation & Inclusion

The ideas in the Participation & Inclusion cluster are all about overcoming barriers, opening up new fields (of learning) and thus enabling everyone to participate in working life and social interaction. The focus here is on the link between people, technology and the pursuit of inclusive participation in social life and the world of work.

  • Using a combination of the internet of things (IoT), environmental sensors (air quality) and artificial intelligence (AI), the team led by ignite AI GmbH and Urban Lab gUG aims to support SMEs in developing sustainable business models. The goal is to empower people who do not have specialist IT skills to develop their own solutions with a user-friendly toolbox comprising hardware and software applications, thereby enabling them to actively participate in the digital transformation.

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  • This idea from MACH AG in tandem with the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems at the University of Lübeck seeks to reduce language barriers by supporting the comprehension of even complex texts using automated visual representations. To this end, an AI solution is used to create images for texts to help people with language difficulties understand written materials.

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  • ‘Anymate live’ is an idea for an AI-based video production platform for the automated creation of multilingual sign language videos. The aim is to provide real-time access to information for hearing-impaired or deaf people who rely on sign language content. Videos are created using text input with the help of photorealistic AI avatars. The team behind the idea is made up of Anymate Me GmbH and a start-up expert from BVMW e.V.

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  • The idea of the project partners led by tech start-up GLAICE and the Department of Exercise Physiology and Metabolism at the University of Bayreuth is to actively help people with diabetes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By combining medical guidelines and health sensors, tips and recommendations are generated that can be delivered in a personalised way using AI-based data analysis.

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  • The team behind the idea wants to empower trainees with disabilities. In a participatory process with the target group, an AI-based app is being ethically monitored and validated for the transition from training to work. This creates a blueprint for the implementation of applied ethics for social economy organisations and enables meaningful AI tools to be further developed. The team consists of Verein Oberlinhaus, the CODE University of Applied Sciences and the technology developer Mind Intelligence UG.

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  • The aim of this idea is to use an AI-based assistance system to help people with mild disabilities structure their daily routines and enable them to participate in everyday life. Users should experience greater self-efficacy and autonomy through successful and independent organisation. The project team consists of ATB Arbeit Technik und Bildung gGmbHthe Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the University of Cologne and FusionSystems GmbH.

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  • Together, a technology expert and a human resources officer want to develop an AI-based application that improves access to the labour market. For example, an application would be generated automatically on the basis of the candidate’s CV and the link to the job advert. In this way, the project team is seeking to contribute to a more inclusive world of work and counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

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Teaching & Knowledge

Whether innovative educational methods in the classroom or subliminal learning on a smartphone, the ideas of this cluster are aimed at informing and optimising education and training. All the ideas seek to break down the boundaries of knowledge and to focus on individual educational needs.

  • Gender stereotypes are one of the main causes of gender inequalities. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Didactic Innovations GmbH want to tackle this challenge with their idea, which is about the automated identification of gender stereotypes and associated implicit discrimination in learning materials for education and further training. This will contribute to inclusive education and training and thus counteract challenges resulting from gender inequalities, such as the gender pay gap and the shortage of skilled workers. Thanks to their technological basis, we will be able to transfer these analyses to a wide range of domains in the long term and thus combat inequalities at different levels of society.

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  • Today’s schoolchildren are tomorrow’s specialist workers, but understanding AI is something that needs to be learnt. isento GmbH, the Gymnasium Ernestinum Coburg, the Hans-Sachs-Gymnasium Nuremberg and the Jugendmedienzentrum Connect in Fürth want to make this possible for young people with the help of an AI module for ‘pib’, the humanoid robot that they can use to easily understand and apply AI themselves.

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  • AI-based applications are increasingly being deployed in companies. Using them requires specific skills to identify and prevent discrimination risks. An AI-based learning platform seeks to make these skills easily accessible. To this end, e.V. and platform3l GmbH plan to facilitate the introduction and use of human-centred digital applications in companies in a way that reflects diversity.

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  • The aim of Mindverse, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI) and the Evangelisch Stiftisches Gymnasium in Gütersloh is constructive access to, and the thoughtful use of, the latest AI tools. In particular, the idea is about providing students and teachers with a protected technical environment in which they can gain their own experience with AI-based text generators based on modern LLMs (large language models) in the classroom and use these tools in a more targeted manner according to their needs and the specialist requirements of the education system.

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  • The Internet is a central platform for open democratic discourse. At the same time, there is a need for action with regard to the hate speech and abuse that many users have to endure online. Liquid Democracy e.V.Beyond AI Collective e.V., TU Ilmenau and the Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy are tackling the problem by developing a system for analysing and reducing discrimination in AI language models.

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  • Bringing our society closer together and counteracting polarisation are the aims of the idea developed by the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Development at the University of Lübeck and the Digital Economy Schleswig-Holstein (DiWiSH). AI-supported sense-making is intended to strengthen people’s ability to understand the perspectives of others.

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  • With their idea for an AI-based tool, Touro College BerlinMacromedia University of Applied Sciences and Devy Digital UG want to enable young people to recognise, reflect on and take action against anti-Semitic communication content and patterns using images, language and gaming. In this way, the project team wants to strengthen media skills and the digital courage of our society.

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Administration & Organisation

Making processes more flexible, transparent, inclusive and efficient is the common goal of the Administration & Organisation cluster. The solution models are intended to address various administrative and organisational challenges and tackle the shortage of skilled workers using AI-based systems. The automation of error-prone planning processes, the improvement of coordination and organisation, and the digitalisation and reduction of bureaucracy also represent areas of focus.

  • Intelligent management of occupancy and transfers at the interface between emergency services and hospitals is the idea behind this project, which was submitted by the Aachen fire service and the Acute Care Innovation Hub at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen. An AI-based management system is designed to help relieve the strain on emergency services and hospital staff through optimised, AI-assisted processes and to increase the efficiency and quality of patient care.

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  • SUMM AI GmbH and the Hamburg Senate Chancellery want to make information accessible to people who are unable to follow complicated language. Simple language helps them to participate in communication. Easy-to-understand text, however, is only one element of accessible content in plain language. It needs to go hand in hand with clear images. However, the process has not yet been automated. The project team wants to change this by means of AI-assisted copywriting, including images.

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  • Advice in the area of migration is extremely resource-intensive. Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH, TU Dortmund University and the City of Munich want to use existing databases via the NLP framework Haystack to answer basic questions and to enable real-time advice provision with simultaneous AI-based machine translations in order to help refugees and migrants make informed decisions for themselves and successfully build a (new) life in Germany. At the same time, the day-to-day work of official agencies and advisory services should be made easier.

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  • AI permeates almost all areas of life – and teaching in schools is no exception. This idea, submitted by KI macht Schule and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, is aimed at teachers. A teaching platform for AI education is intended to make it easier for teachers to access materials and thus contribute to the high-quality teaching of AI knowledge. This helps teachers to deliver good lessons and enables students to acquire essential AI skills and learn how to use the latest AI tools.

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  • The idea put forward by the Munich fire service and LEAD Machine Learning GmbH comes into play when time is of the essence: large volumes of data need to be processed and predictions made in situations where potential supply bottlenecks may occur. Using an AI application, these potential gaps can be identified in good time and emergency vehicles relocated to the affected regions on an ad hoc basis. The aim is not only to increase the probability of survival, but also to counteract the lack of resources (e.g. due to a shortage of personnel) and to improve work organisation and occupational health and safety.

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  • Every second counts when it comes to 112 emergency calls. A challenge for the emergency services is that GPS data is not transmitted for a significant proportion of calls, which means that additional time is wasted by the (often acoustically challenging) process of querying the location on the phone. An AI system is designed to help the call centre locate people. The project partners are DRK Rettungsdienst Bodensee-Oberschwaben gGmbH and DRK Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.

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